Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Furlongs of Ireland- Part 2

Robert must have come from knights stock and or was fluent in Norman French and or fought well in the the invasion battles. He also must have shown previously some organizational ability to be knighted and given such influence. Henry would have given his rescuers a few hundred acres and a cottage if he did not see some advantage to himself to put this man in a position of local power. He also must have seen him as loyal to himself and his family. We must remember that the 1500 acres must have been stolen from some other landowner. One crime leads to another.

At 30 years of age Henry was one of the most cunning and long sighted of all the Norman leaders. Consider his moves to gain the English throne. He used his influence with an English member of the Papal Administration (Beakspear) to obtain a letter from the Pope. The letter prevented the son of Steven getting the throne & placed Henry on the position to take it. He rewarded the cleric who conveyed the letter, Thomas Beckett, with the best clerical position in England. With Beckett he assisted the English member of the Papal Administration to the Papal throne. This Pope Adrian the Forth was the only English man to be Pope out of 200 popes and 2000 years. He is said to have issued a "Bull" that authorized Henry to invade Ireland. Some historians consider the "Bull" was forged. Ireland has contributed far more to the Christian structure of Europe in the previous century than England had done before or since.

The fact that Henry gave Robertus this authority in spite of his being an Englishman and thus suspect compared to the Norman knights is an example of his judgement. Time confirmed him. Sir Robertus and his family remained loyal to the English kings to 1650 as we shall see, we know that a family castle was built at the Pole or manor of Pole and afterwards called Pole de Hore at a later date.